Water the Flowers, Pray for a Garden—Valley’s latest album isn’t just music; it’s a journey through the ups and downs of life, with all the beauty and chaos mixed in. The Toronto-based trio—Rob, Kara, and Alex—are inviting us into their garden, and it’s full of flowers, weeds, and a whole lot of heart.

The Story Behind the Album

Themes of renewal? Growth? Sounds deep, right?

Well, it is, but also—it’s relatable. The band talked about how this album was born from their shared experience of growing up (or at least trying to). You know that awkward phase when you’re not really a kid anymore, but still not feeling like a full-blown adult? Valley gets it. They’re living it too.

“We didn’t want to lose that inner child spirit,” they said. And honestly, who does? Life throws adult problems at you, but there’s a part of you that just wants to hang on to that carefree, playful side. That’s where this album really finds its soul.

The Garden Metaphor

Valley looks at their lives like a giant garden. You’ve got your flowers (the good stuff), your weeds (the bad stuff), and everything in between. And guess what? It all makes up a beautiful, messy garden—just like life.

“We’re looking back at 10 years of knowing each other, making music together. It’s not always smooth, but it’s real, and we’re proud of it,” they shared.

Growing together or growing apart? That’s a big question. And for Valley, the answer is all about nurturing those friendships and connections, no matter how many weeds pop up along the way.

From 2016 to Now: The Evolution

Since forming in 2016, Valley has evolved, but not in the way you might think. They say it’s more like circling back to their roots. When they first started, they were just making music for fun—no pressure, no expectations.

Now, with Water the Flowers, Pray for a Garden, they’re back to that mindset. It’s all about creating for the joy of it. They’ve ditched the overthinking and just let the music flow. “We’re just making things without thinking about it too much. That’s what feels real and honest right now,” they said.

What's Next?

So what can we expect from Valley on their 2024 North American tour? Pure, unfiltered energy. If this album is any indication, their live shows will be an experience full of growth, friendship, and probably a few surprises along the way.

Stream Water the Flowers, Pray for a Garden now on your favorite platform:

Spotify | Apple Music | Youtube

Valley is here to remind us that life is a garden—sometimes messy, sometimes beautiful, but always worth tending to.

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